“Sport has the power to change the world, the power to inspire, and the power to unite people in a way that little else can – it is an instrument of peace.”

- Nelson Mandela

"Change and growth take place when a person has risked himself and dares to become involved with experimenting with his own life."

- Herbert Otto

"Health and fitness are not interchangeable items to be ordered from a list of possible hobbies. They are your life. How you choose to live them will determine the length and quality of your stay here."

- John Kaitz
“Kaitz got me to break through ceilings many different times. I remember one time in particular we were riding a secret training hill of his and I was pounding away when I started crying uncontrollably, it was something I had never experienced before. On that ride with Kaitz I beat all my previous times.. getting closer to maxing out my potential. These are the moments I remember and know I would never reach without a combination of careful scientifically based training and good old fashioned pushing that is the essence of Kaitz's method.”

-Jonny Moseley, 1998, 2002 Olympic Moguls; 1998 Gold Medalist
Hi! I'm John Kaitz and I want to help you maximize your potential. Yes, I've worked with Olympic Athletes, but I also have an amazing fitness program for all levels and abilities. I can help you create the results you want NOW. I offer a Free consultation to help you reach your goals!